Legends Of Kaigon
Carebear N00b
A New Adventure
Times have changed. Suddenly, I'm not the uber god that I believed myself to be. Sure, I could kill a monouga, and Ursuin tremble in my presence, but what good is that if my own vassals laugh at my power?
So, I decided to end it all.
I went to a place of great beauty. I could think of no better a place to end my life.
And so, I climbed to the top, and I prepared to jump.
And then, taking on final last look about me, I leapt.
No longer would I be the laughing stock of everyone I met. No longer would I be ridiculed and mocked, simply because of my weakness.
…oh yeah. I forgot about lifestones.
They laughed even harder when they found out that I'd died from jumping off a cliff. Mainly because, in their opinion, it was a rather pathetic jump.
So, disheartened, I decided to take a break from my brave adventuring, and decided to just relax, sit down, and read a good, wholesome book.
Somehow, it didn't help much.
And then… something happened…
Suddenly, my life had meaning…
I had a purpose, once more.
So what, if I wasn't the most powerful god in existance? Who cares that my former vassal is telling all his new vassals that, as a price of initiation, they must pretend that they wish to be my vassal, only to turn around and laugh at me instead.
(I wouldn't mind this too terribly much, but he also makes them give me an X note out of simpathy.)
I think I've tolerated these guys long enough…
The time of the Pinkies is over!!