Legends Of Kaigon
Carebear N00b
A New Adventure
Having trained in the depts of the pit for countless days, I felt that I had reached a new plateau. A higher form of existance.
I was a god, unto myself.
After leaving the Pit, I made an armor run. So, I headed for Holtburg to do some trading.
It became obvious fairly quickly that no one in Holtburg had anything decent to trade. At least not for the pathetic loot I'd scraped up from killing monouga's.
Sometime during this whole ordeal, the sky turned dark red, as if to signify that the time of my opression was over.
Even the heavens knew I was ready to destroy my dreaded enemy.
Well, now sporting my new gay looking girth, I went out seeking my revenge. It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for.
Actually, what I was looking for was revenge. What I found, however, was an Ursuin who could cast "Kick Kaigon's ASS Mastery IX" on himself.
It seemed this was going to be harder than I'd thought…
I decided to message my patron for some advice. After he laughed at me for using a frost weapon, he suggested I try a fire axe.
As it turned out, I didn't have a fire axe. So he told me to meet him back at Stonehold.
I was mocked the whole way there.
I guess I got there a little sooner than he expected.
For unknown reasons, he'd 'lost' the fire hammer…
Even though he didn't have the fire weapon, he DID hook me up with a lightning hammer.
And a new Helmet, Girth, and sleeves…
Obviously, the new gear did the trick…
My quest for vengeance was now underway.
While I could post the picture of each and every Ursuin that I kill (I saved them all for preservation), I'll save you the headache of uploading them all…
So instead I'll show you this picture of my home, complete with all my new trophies. I especially like my Ursuin rug and my Stuffed Ursuin.
With my honor restored, it was now time to check in on my vassal, Vishok the Blade.