Legends Of Kaigon
Carebear N00b
A New Adventure
Once I regained my sanity, and I had gathered together what pliable armor I could find, I went back to the pit, hoping to avenge myself.
Although I still felt like just about anything could kill me.
And it was for that very reason that I ended up using battle tactics that would normally be shunned upon…
Despite its effectiveness.
Feeling a little more confident in my abilities, I headed off after the infamous "Floating Head".
My newfound tactics didn't seem like such a good idea to use on the head, so I went back to my typical "aim for their head and make it hurt" strategy.
It worked.
I became more bold, taking on more Monouga's than I had before…
I was back in my prime.
I went on a rampage, killing Monouga's with abandon.
It wasn't long before the Pit was stained with blood.
And then, the last, final piece fell into place…
I could tell from the way the moon blasted into the sky that the time for vengeance had finally come.
After all, you can't argue with an omen like this, can you?