Legends Of Kaigon
Carebear N00b
A New Adventure
Having heard tales of a great castle to the north, I slowly made my way deeper into the woods, higher into the mountains, killing everything I came across. Unless it was an Ursuin or a Banderling.
However, it soon became apparent that I might enjoy some company along the journey. It was a long and arduous travel, and as great as I may be, the mountains of Dereth are no place to travel alone.
I looked up my vassal, Vishok the Blade, wondering as to what he was up to.
Damn cheater. I could kill cats from several yards away too.
But I'm afraid I might lose my hammer that way.
Vishok was willing to go with me to the castle, but insisted on buying more arrows. A quick trip to town, and we were ready to go.
I bet this guy has sex with his living room appliances. This really has nothing to do with anything. I just hate that damned pink robe.
And wipe that stupid grin off your face!!!
I kind of forgot to take some snapshots of my travels and battles toward the castle. Here's one of me running…
That's really about all I did, anyhow.
(There were lots of Banderlings and Ursuins around)
After an entire night of running, we at last made it…
Easily one of the biggest disappointments in the game. I ran all friggin night, and it turns out there wasn't diddly out here.
Just a bunch of Hunter Shreth and Banderlings.
As it turns out, my Patron, Darth Bane, was close nearby.
He had a place his wished to take me…
He called it…
The Pit.
After taking me there, I went inside, cleared out most of the Monouga's, and then ran into this guy.
I introduced myself as Kaigon, adventurer and soon-to-be God.
He seemed unimpressed.
Okay, so now I know to stear clear of Banderlings, Ursuins, and Skeletons.