December 20th, 2021
I had a couple of other strips initially planned between last week's comic and the previous one (where Cloney sees all his dead fellow clones), but the punchlines weren't that great, and existed only to move the plot along.
I decided to skip ahead instead of running multiple 'unfunny' strips. I don't think I lost too much... except probably an explanation for why Cloney just abandoned his revenge plans and instead follows them home.
I'm not sure if I'll get around to explaining that 'in strip', sooo... here's what you missed:
After seeing all the dead bodies of his fellow clones, Cloney jumps to the conclusion that Kaigon and Shawn had somehow MURDERED them all. So he's kind of (understandably) terrified of them. When they debate about what to do with him, and ultimately say "let's just go home", he just kind of follows them - just hoping to not get murdered like the other clones.
...and then Karen says THAT.